1. What is the estimated delivery time?
Once your order is received, it will take 24-48 hours to get dispatched. You'll be notified of the tracking details once it is shipped. The delivery time further varies by product availability, the geographic location of the inventory, your shipping destination and the courier partner's time to deliver at your area. However, we at Durex try our best to deliver your orders on time.


Note: Some courier partners do not work on Sundays, affecting delivery dates.
In general, our standard delivery timelines are:


Shipping Destination Days to Deliver
Metro  4-6 Days
Non-Metro 6-8 Days



2. How much does delivery cost?
Delivery charge varies with your order value. The greater the order value, the lesser the delivery charge. Please check your order summary to understand the delivery charges for individual products.

3. How will delivery work if I am not available at home?
Your order will be delivered to the delivery address you have provided to us. If you weren't available when the courier partner knocked at your door, two additional delivery attempts would follow on successive days.

4. When will the deliveries take place?
In general, our courier partner will try to deliver between 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. It can be challenging to stay at home for all these hours, especially on working days. If you cannot be there at a particular hour, try to see if someone else can be at the delivery address to accept the parcel on your behalf.

5. How will I be notified about my order?
We will dispatch your order within 24-48 hours of receiving it. Tracking details will be sent to you once your package is shipped. We will send you an e-mail, SMS or WhatsApp with the tracking number(s) for your shipment(s). Our team will further send another update when your package arrives at your specified address.

6. What will the packaging look like in case of a door delivery?
We at Durex ensure the highest standards of packaging norms and deliver all our products in highly standardized carton boxes to ensure zero damages while handling your items. We understand that buying condoms can be a personal affair. Therefore, we deliver all our products in plain brown boxes without branding or product description. So only you know what is inside your box.

7. What to do if my package shows as delivered but I can't find it?
If your tracking information shows that your package was delivered, but you can't find it:
Check if someone else accepted the delivery on your behalf.
Please wait for a few minutes and check at your doorstep/office reception for the arrival of our delivery associates.
Wait until the end of the day-packages may show as delivered while still in transit.
If you are still unable to locate your item contact our Customer Service. 

Please Note: We will only be able to support you if contacted within 48 hours after your package is marked as Delivered.

Cancellation and return policy


1. What is Durex Cancellation Policy?
Once you raise a cancellation request, the cancellation of item(s) in your order happens immediately if the order has yet to be dispatched by us. No cancellation requests will be entertained if your order has already been dispatched.

However, you can refuse to accept the order at the time of delivery if it has already been dispatched.

Note- No return requests will be entertained if the customer accepts the delivery.

2. How do I cancel my order?
For cancellation, please write to us at

3. When is the replacement policy applicable?
You received the wrong item. Oops, this isn't very pleasant! We'll replace the item as soon as we are notified.
You found an item missing. We will analyse and try to send you the missing item.
You received a damaged/defective product. We will check and send you a replacement. 


In case of replacement for damaged/missing/defective/wrong products, customers need to contact us within 48 hours.
If you would like to replace the item, please note the product must not be used and shall be returned in the original packaging within 48 hours of purchase.
Before applying for our replacement policy, you must showcase an unboxing video
In addition to the unboxing video, we also request you share with us the following: 
a) Picture of the outer box (front and back) with the carrier label.
b) A small video with the functioning of the damaged item. (if any),
c) Pictures of all products received.

4. Who can I contact if I have a question about delivery?
For delivery queries, please write to us at or call us at 01414931562.

5. How do I pay for a purchase?
We at Durex offer you multiple payment methods. 
If you choose to pay online, you can be assured that our trusted payment gateway partners always use secure encryption technology to keep your transaction details confidential. 
You may use Internet Banking and Cash on Delivery (On Selected Pincodes) to make your purchase.
We also accept payments made using Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and American Express credit/debit cards in India.

6. I am being charged GST during checkout. What is GST?
GST is a single tax which subsumes everything else like VAT, Excise, Entry tax etc. GST is levied on every good or service and must be borne by the consumer. We do not profit in any way from these taxes.

7. How is the GST amount decided?
When you order from us, the correct GST amount will be collected from you depending on the product category and will be calculated as follows: Min. 0% - Max. 28% of net payable (MRP - Product Discount - Coupon Discount).

8. If I return/cancel the purchased product, will the GST charged be refunded?
Yes, the entire amount would be returned to your source account as per our return policy.

9. Under what circumstances can I return or get my Durex products replaced?
Our products fall under the non-returnable/non-replaceable category and can not be returned/replaced. Replacements are only processed when the customer receives a defective/damaged/missing/wrong item.