How to Put on a Condom
When it comes to condoms, people think that everyone knows how to put them on. They’re quite easy to put on, but there has always been a first time for everybody, whether they had to put it on themselves or a partner. It can be a little tricky if you’re not used to it. So it’s best to practice wearing them before you are confident enough to get one on during sex. And sex with a condom is an absolute must, so as to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Durex condoms are designed for easy wearing, and you would be better off wearing extra safe condoms.

The Four Stages
We’ve compiled some condom-wearing basics below:
1. Open the condom pack on one side, taking care to not tear the condom.
2. Ensure that the condom is the right way around. The rolled outer edge should face up when you place it on. Slightly unroll the condom to make sure.
3. Once you place the condom on the penis, squeeze the air out of the tip with two fingers, and unravel the condom towards the base with the other hand. Do not touch the condom with your nails or you will end up tearing it. The condom is now on.
4. Once you have finished, hold the condom at the base and withdraw. Carefully knot it without spilling and bin it.
Fairly simple, yes? The condom packet also comes with more directions, so you can easily understand how to wear the condom. Putting the condom on might not go as smoothly as you wish. So here are a few commonly asked questions with answers that might help you.
What happens if the condom tears?
Do not use a torn condom. Condoms are designed for protection, and if the seal gives way, there is no point in using it. Stop at once if you feel that the condom has broken during sex. Get emergency contraceptive pills and visit your doctor if you had sex with a new partner.
Is spermicide essential?
One important component of condoms is spermicide. It is a chemical that kills sperm present in semen. Some Durex condoms, like the Extra Safe range, contain spermicidal lubricant. Just the condom may be enough, but if you worry about pregnancy, you can use a condom with spermicide.