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Introduce new flavors into your sex life

June 14, 2018

Introduce new flavors into your sex life

Why do Condoms have flavours?

With changing times, things are changing and improving. The art of love making has had major transformations over the year, and so did the condom! Nowadays you can go buy flavoured condoms online that tastes and smells like orange, grape, mint, coffee, baingan and a lot more.

Condoms are necessary while having sex; this is in order to protect oneself from STDs and avoid unexpected pregnancy. As a matter of fact, condoms should be used at all times, irrespective of you having sexual intercourse or oral sex. When it comes to condoms, there are high chances that you are already saturated with the usage of traditional condoms. How about we add some flavor into it? You never know, flavoured condoms might revolutionize the way you have sex by adding more excitement and sense of fulfillment.

Durex Wildberry Flavoured Condoms

But why use condoms that have flavor? Are there any benefits of flavoured condoms? Let us know more about flavored condoms and what do they do.

Keep STDs at bay

You can easily transmit STDs through oral sex. Therefore, it is necessary to use a condom while indulging in oral sex. One of the prime objective of flavored condoms is to make oral sex enjoyable for adults.

They make sexual experience even more vibrant

The condom industry has been consistently reinventing themselves to make sex more pleasurable. Flavoured condoms come in colours that complement the flavours. For example, strawberry flavored condom is red in colour, whereas Kala-khatta flavored condom is purple. They are easily available in any drug store or supermarket, and it does not cost more than regular condoms. You can also buy flavoured condoms from Durex online store.

Take your oral sex game to another level

This is the main reason why condoms have flavour! As unflavoured condoms taste awful, flavoured condoms are mindfully designed to improve oral sex. But what is oral sex? This is an important part of foreplay, when you stimulate different parts of your partner’s body with your mouth, lips and tongue. While men love this sensation, the taste of lubricant on the condom can be a turnoff for women. That’s the benefit of flavoured condoms.

Durex Vanilla Popsicle Flavoured Condoms

What role do condoms play in oral sex?

Many people think protection is needed only when having penetrating sex. This is not true. Condoms do more than prevent pregnancy. STDs can spread even when you’re having oral sex. So, when a woman uses her mouth and tongue on her man’s most stimulating parts, there is the risk of infections being transmitted. This can be prevented by using favoured condoms.

Keep unwanted pregnancy at bay

There is a major difference in opinion when it comes to usage of flavoured condoms during penetrative sex. According to one set of people, flavoured condoms are not effective when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancy. While the other set says, if used properly, flavoured condoms can amplify your love making experience and provide protection from STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

Flavoured condoms are more than the taste

Many believe why condoms have flavour is for their taste. While taste is key when having oral sex, among the flavoured condoms benefits is their smell. For some, the smell of private parts can be a mood spoiler. The fragrance of flavoured condoms can help with this.